Amy Allan

a paranormal researcher and medium. She has worked w/police agencies across the country.

Robert Murch

The world’s foremost collector, historian, and expert on Ouija and Talking Boards

Daniel Klaes

Owner of the Hinsdale house and a regular guest at paracons across the country.

Leaders in the Field

Tim Shaw

A life long researcher in the fields of the Paranormal and the Metaphysical.

PROJECT FEAR  / Destination FEAR

New Kids on the Block ... Dakota Laden, Chelsea Laden, Tanner Wiseman & Alex Schroeder

Debuting on the scene in 2016 with Trail of Terror ...  then hitting the paranormal mainstream in 2019 with Destination Fear. These investigators are young, fresh, and finding the evidence. Challenging each other and the spirits at a location.

CANCELLED in 2022 from Travel Chanel (nice work ZAC)

​Reborn on YouTube in 2023 as Project Fear